is de titel van een lied dat bij sommige scoutinggroepen in de eigen liedjesbundel te vinden is.
- Meer liedjes zijn te vinden in de lijst van liedjes en de lijst van scoutingliedjes.
There are rats, rats,
as big as alley cats.
At the store! At the store!
There are rats, rats,
as big as alley cats.
At the Quartermasters store.
My eyes are dim, I cannot see.
I haven't got my specs with me.
I have not got my specs with me.
There are mice, mice,
running though the rice.
At the store! At the store!
There are mice, mice,
running through the rice.
At the Quartermasters store.
There are lice, lice,
living on the mice.
At the store! At the store!
There are lice, lice,
living on the mice.
At the Quartermasters store.
En vervolgens ga je verder met:
Roaches - big as football coaches.
Watches - big as sasquaches.
Snakes - as big as garden rakes.
Bears - but no one really cares.
Beavers - with little meat cleavers.
Foxes - stuffed in little boxes.
In een andere versie gaan de coupletten over:
Cheese - lots of bread and cheese.
Ham - mixed up with the jam.
Beer - locked up, never fear.
Nederlandse versie: De Fouragemeesterstent